The World Cup Game can be used to "test anything at all, from Maths and Science to French and Latin". The idea of the game is that you try to win the World Cup, as any of the 32 nations, by answering a set of questions.
You can use the existing sets of questions or create your own new set. Currently, there are over 60 question sets to choose from.
Recommended sets include: Spanish Verbs, Multiplication Tables, Tricky Spellings, GCSE Maths, French Vocabulary (basic or advanced) and US State Capitals.
To use any of the other question sets just add the filename to the end of the following URL: "http://www.caniplaythisathome.com/play.htm?questions="
This is a wonderful example of increasing motivation by linking a current topical event to what might otherwise be normal mundane testing! The creator, Greg Pallis, had a great response from his students reporting "my students really enjoyed it when I used it with them, and made great use of it at home" and he is thrilled to be able to share the game with everyone.
You can also sign up for Greg's newsletter if you want to hear about any new games being released.