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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Designer Tag Clouds


Tagul lets you produce beautiful functional tag clouds for the web. These tag clouds may be embedded in any web page and serve as a functioning navigation unit as each tag is linked with a URL.

Tagul clouds can be created from a text file containing your list of words or from an existing website (using the URL). Each word weight is determined by how often it occurs in the source file.

There is lots of flexibility in choosing the font style, rotation of words, background colours and text colours. Tagul, also, lets you exclude words from your finalised cloud.

With minimum effort, you can produce very useful navigational tag clouds that are also visually appealing - although maximum number of tags in a cloud is limited to 300.

The example included here was created using the International Edubloggers Directory URL. Interestingly, the Wordle example, also shown below, created from the same URL produced quite a different tag result!

Image created with Wordle


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