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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Colour Me Beautiful!


ColorJack provides great tools for picking and coordinating colours. The tools include:

* Color Galaxy - online colour library visualizer
* Color Sphere - visualize colour theory. It also comes in widget form
* DHTML Color Picker - pick colours in fine detail
* Color Matrix Library -  colour functions - hue, saturation etc.
* Color Blindness Library -  color blind simulation
* Color Conversion Library -  convert to/from various colour formats


And as if that was not enough ColorJack have also created Sketchpad - a drawing application including the following tools: text, shape, spirograph, brush, calligraphy, pencil, paint-bucket and stamp.

Colors, gradients, and patterns as well as some generic drawing utilities (marquee, crop, eraser and a HSL/RGBA Color-Picker) are also included.

ColorJack could be useful for many different subject areas including web design, graphic design, art, mathematics, physics...... etc.


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